DIY Lip Balm: How To MakeThe Best Lip Balm for Moisturized lips

Home made lip balm: How to make lip balm at home.

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home made lip balm
Home made lip balm

Generally, nature is beautiful. The weather often shines in full glory at every new season. The glory is more glorious by our generous exploits as humans to deplete the ozone layer. The sun, however beautiful, comes with a lot of skincare cons, more commonly, sunburns. It’s often overlooked but the sun can also damage your lips, making them darker. You might be tempted to lick your lips due to the dryness of the weather which makes it even worse.

Basically, it is necessary to take care of your lips. Chapped lips can be a source of low self-esteem. Especially during summer when everyone just wants to look shiny and hydrated while in the hot sun. Chapped lips are also a cause of chapped lips during the winter. All year round through every season, we ought to take care of our lips.

Soft and hydrated lips are very attractive. They’re one of the first things you see on your face when you look in a mirror or at another face. Soft hydrated lips radiate your face better and add beauty to your beauty.

Furthermore, in the case of make-up, it’s a very good foundation for smooth lipstick application.

The luscious soft lip is a goal and they’re easy to achieve. Say goodbye to chapped lips as you embark on a journey to care for your lips.

Benefits of home-made lip balm

  • Lip balms are excellent sources of hydration for the lips and are very popular in the beauty community.
  • The waxy nature of lip balms helps to shield your lips from harmful elements
  • They protect your lips from being chapped and looking unpleasant
  • It makes your lips obviously extremely soft over consistent usage
  • Making your lip balm at home gives you a clean and chemical-free product.
  • Since the lips are very soft and thin, lip balms help them faster. The wax, healthy oil, and vitamins work together to speed up chapped and scarred lips healing.
  • It’s just comforting to use.
  • It can be used to enhance lip makeup.
  • It protects you from future chaffing and dryness.
  • DIY-ing is a great skill to have as an individual

Related: DIY homemade exfoliating lip scrub

Why should you make DIY lip balm

We probably know some of the chemically produced lip balms have ingredients that can be harmful to our skin. E.g parabens, phenol, menthol, alcohol, artificial fragrances, Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), and other difficult-to-pronounce names. They have drying effects instead of moisturizing the lips and can cause a potential hazard to your health such as cancer, and reproductive problems among other health issues.

Making lip balms at home gives you the freedom to care for all the inputs and customize them to your taste. It’s also a skill that could earn you money with good marketing and business plan.

Ingredients needed to make your homemade hydrating lip balm

To make home made lip balm, you need the following;

Important Notes: It’s important to avoid chemically produced waxes like paraffin wax which is quite literally a bye product of gas and oil refineries. Also, avoid animal-based waxes like beeswax and lanolin for ethical reasons.

You certainly need more than one kind of moisturizing/edible oil to give it a glossy finish. But not so much that it becomes too oily for the wax to handle.

It’s essential to use edible oils because the products are going to your lips and will most likely enter your mouth. Therefore, it’s safe to use consumable oils in case of accidental consumption.

Tools needed;

  • Pocket scale
  • Double boiler or pitcher and saucepan
  • Spatula
  • Empty lip balm containers
  • Clean plastic or glass bowl

Now that you have all you need to create your home made lip balm, let’s get into the process.

How to Make your home made lip balm;

  • Melt the wax and butter only in your double boiler. Be careful not to let the top part of your double boiler or pitcher fully submerge into the water or bottom part.
  • Heat the ingredients over medium heat and stir occasionally till completely melted
  • Add all oils, except essential oil. Keep stirring and evenly distribute for about 5 minutes. It’s important to always stir in one motion, clockwise only or anti-clockwise only to prevent air from being trapped inside the mix.
  • Bring down and put off the heat and allow to cool for a little 3 to 5 minutes.
  • Add essential oil.  Adding essential oils at this point is due to the nature of essential oil which can burn out quickly in higher temperatures. Stir for an extra 5 minutes.
  • Allow to cool and pour into your clean empty lip balm containers.
  • Allow setting for about 36 to 48 hours.
Home made lip balm
Home made lip balm

Enjoy your new clean homemade hydrating lip balm for better lip care.

Apply them every time you feel dryness on your lips instead of licking them.

Lastly, hydrate yourself from the inside out by drinking water frequently, and eating healthily